Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Too Nice, Or Too Annoying?

my friends tell me alot that I am too nice. Although this may sound impossible, it is true. My relatives say that being too nice is not possible, you can just be annoying. I say, "Sorry" for things i don't do, "Thank You" when i recieved nothing, and "Need any Help?" when they are talking or working on something simple.

When i was in 6th grade, we would write cards to each other. It would help us grow closer and be respectful. When the people read the cards, they would not mention the person's name. Instead, people would raise their hands as he/she went along. at the end, he/she would let people guess who the person was. Usually it took a while, guessing the person.

I had waited for some time when another classmate came up. Note: he was not rude, just truthful. Trying not to give away my name he starts off with: "Dear faithful servant of God," and begins to read. I did not know this was about me, so i listened carefully. At one point, my classmate says, "Although you sometimes say sorry a lot of the time for things you don't do..." Everyone's hand shot up, eager to tell (NOT GUESS) who it was. At the end, he looked up and started to laugh at how many people were raising their hands (hence, everyone.) I shrank in my desk as someone sadi my name. I have remembered that embarissing moment ever since.

If your are wondering what i am talking about, i'll reveal the secret. Every time i'll barely touch anyone, I say, "Sorry!' I was once told that i say it like i just killed someone and was going to kill myself. Even worse, i once was standing next to someone, and they dropped their books. I almost immediately said, "Oh sorry. I din't mean to!" The person looked up at me with a confused look. "For what?" "Knocking over your books," I replied. Now the person looked at me as if i was a alien. "You... didn't touch me." "Oh, okay. Sorry." I said soory for bothering her. Then she started to look angry. "STOP SAYING SORRY!" Yeah, she was mad. "Sorry." Oops. She hit me on the head, then walked away, furious.

Now you see my horrible curse. Isn't it just terrible? I mean come on'! How bad can it be? Oh - I guess i should stop whining. Sorry. Oops i said it again. Sorry. Dang it! Sorry it won't happen again. AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!


Rabbert said...

I often encounter the same problem myself. I have learned that when I say "I'm sorry" or "Sorry" for things that I did not do, what I am really saying is:

"I am sorry that this has happened to you. I sympathize with your situation."

I believe that you may mean roughly the same thing. If someone catches you on it, why not tell them that is what you meant.

There are many others that I have encountered who have the same habit. You are not alone in this (although you are in the minority).

I think it stems from just a tendency to extend common courtesies to the point where they become habitual.

Rabbert said...

I often run into the same problem myself, so you are not alone (but you are in the minority). I have known a handful of people who have had the same habit.

When I say "I'm sorry" or "Sorry" for something that is not my fault, I often get the same reaction. People wonder how screwed up you have to be to feel responsible for something that isn't your fault.

But when I say that, I don't mean that I feel guilty about what happened, I mean:

"I am sorry that this has happened to you. I can empathize with your situation."

I think that you may feel the same way, too. The next time someone challenges you on this, try explaining it the same way. I think all this is is the repetition of common courtesies to the point where it becomes instinctual.

Eventually, the people who know you best will come to understand what you mean, and while they may tease you for it years down the road, you can take comfort in the fact that they are assholes, and it is in their nature to do this.

Buzz Head said...

Yeah, but if i usually ssay that when they are happy or something UNsad. if i were to say that, they might call the insane asylum. But i'll give it a shot. thanks.:P